Английский язык Pride and Prejudice Перевод предложений (урок по фильмам)
Итак, вот примерный перевод предложений. Зеленым цветом выделены ключевые слова и фразы из фильма:
1. I have no objection to going to the ball with you.
2. He is as tiresome as his wife.
3. We will be in possession by the end of May / We will have been in possession….(Future Perfect).
be in possession = come into possession (!)
4. You’ve (You have) just had it from Peter, and I had it from Galina (as recently as) yesterday.
5. My sister wants to marry a young man of (a) large fortune.
6. His brothers will come down on Wednesday (in order) to see the place.
7. I’m thinking of settling in London. = I think about / of + …ing = I think to settle in London.
8. He’s as handsome as his friend.
В отрицании ИСПОЛЬЗУЕМ «SO….AS» вместо «AS….AS» : He’s NOT SO handsome AS his friend.
9. Mother has serious designs (plans) for her daughters.
10. Don’t talk nonsense! (!) nonsense=rubbish=trash (the USA).
11. I see no occasions for that / I don’t see any occasions for that. (!) occasions=causes=grounds
12. As soon as/The moment he sees her, he will fall in love with her (at once/ in no time).